Metabase vs. Redash - A Comparison of Data Visualization Tools

March 01, 2022

Looking to visualize your data in a way that’s quick, simple and easy to interpret? Well, you’re in luck because there are a ton of great data visualization tools out there, and two of the most popular are Metabase and Redash. But which one is better? Today, we’ll be comparing the two tools to help you decide which one is right for you!


First things first, both tools have a clean and simple to use interface. Metabase features a more modern look with a bright color scheme that fits seamlessly with modern design trends. Similarly, Redash's interface design is intuitive with a clean layout that is easy to navigate. It is worth mentioning that Redash is more customizable, you have the ability to modify the code base and add your unique touch to the visualization design.


As for functionality, both tools have much to offer in terms of data visualization. Metabase has excellent support for various data sources, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Google Analytics, and many more. It provides a robust set of features, including a GUI query builder, custom dashboards, and dynamic filters.

Redash also supports a variety of data sources but lacks support for NoSQL databases such as MongoDB or Cassandra. However, Redash provides more advanced features and visualization options than Metabase. Custom visualizations can be created using JavaScript library such as D3, and it offers external authentication like LDAP and Google authentication.


When it comes to performance, Metabase outperforms Redash in terms of speed when running visualization queries. However, keep in mind that speed and performance depend upon the dataset size and complexity of queries. Both have the ability to handle moderate to large datasets with ease.


Price can often be a deciding factor when it comes to selecting between data visualization tools. Metabase is an open-source software, which means that it is entirely free to use, without any limitations whatsoever.

On the other hand, Redash has a paid version made explicitly for enterprises that can provide additional integrations, security features, and support from Redash’s development team, however, the paid version starts from 5,000$ a year with a free trial for 14 days.


In conclusion, it all boils down to your preference and needs. Metabase and Redash are both powerful data visualization tools with unique features that serve different use-cases. Metabase is excellent for beginners who want to get started quickly with great documentation and a user-friendly interface. Redash, on the other hand, is ideal for experienced developers who need more customization and advanced features. Ultimately, your choice should be based on your project’s needs, available resources, and expertise.


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